Tuesday, May 10, 2011



Off to Dekosye to check out the possibility of extending/expanding our clean water project there.  Actually, I think we are more looking for ways to convince Michael Ritter that the expansion is worth it.  Roy & Brittany seem pretty set.  It's got to be hard to pick & choose who to help down here.  That's really what they have to do.  There is no way to help everyone that comes to ask for help.  I hope we can convince Michael, though.  The addition of only 1 technician here gets water to another 650 familiar...that's probably half of LeRoy!  What a different that could make...

Another thing that struck me yesterday came up in conversations between Brittany & Roy.  That was how everyone in Haiti is connected.  The Sisters know the names of missionaries & follow relief efforts all over the nation.  This makes me wonder why their government can't get together and put forward a more united front.


Fonkoze was a quite different banking experience this morning.  I figured Roy was joking a little, but Haiti time is really not like time in the US.  The bank was scheduled to open at 8:30, and as we sat down to wait for the doors to open, I noticed the clock on the wall read 8:47.  In the States, this would have caused an uproar.  The Haitian people are so patient though.  They simply waited, no complaining or arguing with the receptionist...true patience.  It's something to be admired & used as an example for us all.  When we arrived at Dekosye, a group of animators (representative from the communities in Father Nesly's parish) was waiting for Father Nesly to meet with them.  Father Nesly went around with us for 5+ hours showing us the school, church, & reforestation project.  When we returned, the animators greeted us from the same spot they were in when we departed.  They had waited all day to meet with the Priest, and they had done so patiently.  How amazing!  I have been told that I am a patient person, but I know I would have been irritated or have gone somewhere else or have fallen asleep.  I am beginning to realize just how much I have to learn from the Haitian people.

Another thing is finding pleasure in the little things in life...like bubbles or hand tricks.  The kids at the school in Perou were beautiful examples of that.

In order to follow God's call, we must allow ourselves to be uncertain.  Brittany has inspired me to remember that.  She had plans for her future but she allowed God to be her path & found herself in Haiti for a week, a month, & now a year.  How freeing would it be to follow God's call like that...I just love it!    To live for others as God calls you without your own agenda and to learn Creole, how awesome!  We had a good conversation about truly giving back & how there are opportunities everywhere to help.  We are ignorant & foolish if we don't use every opportunity we have to live for others.  Made me think of all the things I could do & am not...and the change in attitude that must come with that.  Learning to put others first in your heart is tough to do when our earthly bodies demand so much from us.

Lord, be my path...

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