Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Against All Odds

Last week, Dr. Mike and I took a look at little Baba’s ears and the complications just seem to keep coming.  The right ear appears to have endured some sort of a traumatic injury – there is a large amount of scar tissue built up on the drum.  While we don’t think this is the cause of the deafness (he appears to be bilaterally deaf and the injury appears to be unilateral), we do feel it is best to have him seen by an ENT prior to testing.  Dr. Mike also examined his trunk, because his mother mentioned he has chronic stomach aches.  It seems he also has a hernia.  So that is taking first priority for now.  It is possible that the visiting surgical team will be able to reconcile that, and we will be able to get him down to PAP to see an ENT and be tested by the group that is visiting at the end of June.   The poor little guy is up against all kinds of odds, yet he is so pleasant all the time.  Keep praying for him.  He still has a long road ahead. 
Cheesing! He loved playing with the camera
We made funny faces to pass the time in the hot car in PAP.
Mike had me look first; "a learning opportunity" he said

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